Claude Edwin Theriault Featured Contemporary French Canadian Artist POD Wall Design Youtube channel Mission statement Claude Edwin Theriault POD Wall Artwork and Designs Video Channel that shares breathtaking art of Claude Edwin Theriault through video platform.
French Acadian culture Featured Acadian Festival Racist President Daniel Leblanc French acadian festival has a homophobic racist president Daniel Leblanc, rumoured to be part of the local white nation supremacist chapter active in Gods country of south west Nova Scotia.
fecane Featured Fédération culturelle acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse (FéCANE) Holes in the Fecane mission statement too vague or just plain full of holes and rhetoric. To promote optimal growth and accountability in our global community"
Claude Edwin Theriault Halifax Gay Pride Festival this year Queered up with additional punch Halifax Gay Pride Festival has potential this year to be Queered up with additional punch with Contemporary artwork of Theriault @ MBF-Lifestyle
Contemporary artworks Nova Scotia French Acadian digital Artist Gallery Launches Satellite Wing on Censor-Free site Nova Scotia Acadian artist Gallery of Claude Edwin Theriault
NFT Featured Contemporary Modern Canadian NFT Creator & POD Artist to watch Contemporary Modern Canadian NFT Creator of esoteric inspired Totemic Hieroglyphic POD artwork,Claude Edwin Theriault of MBFLifestyle East Coast