Le festival Acadian de Clare Featured Xenophobe-Queerphobic Oligarch de la culture franco-acadien Fierté fervente s'est transformée en une clique ethnocentrique qui protège son patrimoine. Transformation a donné naissance d'oligarques Raciste.
Le Congrès mondial acadien 2024 Clargyle Featured CMA 2024: Xenophobic standing policy;A Far Cry from Its Mission Statement CMA 2024 diverges sharply from its mission statement, marred by exclusionary practices and controlled by small group of self-serving individuals.
La société acadienne de clare Featured La société acadienne de clare and the french acadian heritage patrimonial industry Old heritage patrimonial industry unchanging and dominated by stagnant Nova Scotia French Acadian culture for years. However, change is a comin'.
Acadian Embassy Featured Acadian Embassy Zombie Corporation of choice Patrimonial heritage industry, has been hijacked by a self-serving group of musicians who lack talent and display blatant disregard for inclusion
French Acadian culture Featured Acadian Festival Racist President Daniel Leblanc French acadian festival has a homophobic racist president Daniel Leblanc, rumoured to be part of the local white nation supremacist chapter active in Gods country of south west Nova Scotia.
festival acadian Festival acadien Comté de Clare et Bière pour Acadie Iguana Directeur artistique Daniel Leblanc de chants francophones remplissent l'air alors que les habitants se rassemblent pour un renouvellement interprétatif très apprécié de leurs racines culturelles du drapeau acadien