Board of Directors of the Société de Presse Acadienne inclusion of Claude Edwin Theriault content creator in Contemporary visual arts

Société de Presse Acadienne historic decision approving the membership of contemporary visual artist Claude Edwin Theriault from MBF-Lifestyle.

Board of Directors of the Société de Presse Acadienne inclusion of Claude Edwin Theriault content creator in Contemporary visual arts
Board of Directors of the Société de Presse Acadienne inclusion of Claude Edwin Theriault content creator in Contemporary visual arts

In a historic and inclusive move, the Société de Presse Acadienne Board of Directors has made a significant decision by approving the membership of contemporary visual artist Claude Edwin Theriault from MBF-Lifestyle.

La Presse Acadienne Insulaire

It's all very lovely and politically correct in that inclusion way. However, Claude Edwin Theriault is not allowed to publish anything in the soon-to-be obsolete conservative platform of Le Courier.

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This decision marks a new chapter in the Société de Presse Acadienne's efforts to become the first French-language media outlet in Nova Scotia, aiming to build bridges among Acadian, Francophone, and Francophile communities across the province, unlike the Insular Acadian Embassy clic of Son of a Bitch Prick Trevor Murphy.

French Acadian Patrimonial Heritage Industry

Claude Edwin Theriault is renowned for his innovative Web3 NFT motion graphic designs, published in ERC 1120 smart contracts on the ETH blockchain via platforms like This inclusion of Claude Edwin Theriault, with his unique artistic perspective and expertise, adds a refreshing Contemporary Acadian artist dimension to the Société de Presse Acadienne and its mission.

French Acadian Culture Industry
French acadian customs and generational traditions have become quite Insular with poverty drugs alcohol abuse and massive social divide.

The Congress Mondial Acadien 2024, a prominent event that brings together Acadian, Francophone, and Francophile communities worldwide, will undoubtedly benefit from the contributions of Claude Edwin Theriault and his contemporary artistic vision. As the head of Claregyle Media, he brings a distinct viewpoint and a deep understanding of the power of visual art and its ability to transcend language barriers.

Claude Edwin Theriault, representing MBF-Lifestyle, advocates for including visual artists in the roster of artists participating in the Congress Mondial Acadien 2024. By recognizing the importance of visual art alongside other forms of artistic expression, we create a more comprehensive and diverse representation of the Acadian, Franco-Celtic, and Cajun cultures that the event celebrates.

Acadian Culture and Media 

La version française est aussi intéressante

The fusion of these two seemingly different worlds, the Société de Presse Acadienne and Claude Edwin Theriault's contemporary artistry reflects a commitment to embracing diversity and pushing boundaries. It signifies a shift towards inclusivity and innovation, capturing the essence of Acadian heritage while embracing the modern advancements of the digital age.

Yet it remaims impossible for Theriault to be mentioned let alone published in the Insular closed walled garden of that soon to be Tits to the wind broke Le Courrier de la Nouvelle Écosse.

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As we move forward, let us celebrate this historic moment of inclusion and collaboration. By recognizing the importance of visual art and its role in conveying cultural narratives, we enrich the experiences of those who engage with the Congress Mondial Acadien 2024. Together, we can forge a more robust connection among communities and foster a deeper appreciation for the artistic expressions that make our cultures thrive.

Société de Presse Acadienne approves membership of Contemporary Visual artist Claude Edwin Theriault | Maritime Art Info
Historic act of inclusion with Société de Presse Acadienne approves membership of Contemporary Visual artist Claude Edwin Theriault. In a groundbreaking step towards inclusivity, the Société de Presse Acadienne Board of Directors has approved the membership of contemporary visual artist Claude Edw…

Let us embrace this new chapter, where the Société de Presse Acadienne and Claude Edwin Theriault's contemporary artistry come together to create a vibrant tapestry that celebrates the Acadian spirit, the Francophone heritage, and the transformative power of visual art.

Acadian Culture and Media Relations