Nova Scotia media representation Featured French Acadian Culture in Crisis: The Hidden Struggle Behind Nova Scotia's Tourist Brochures Navigates between preservation stagnation, tradition and progress, while increasingly pushing for meaningful representation in mainstream media.
2024 World Acadian Congress Featured Cajun Dead and the Talkin Stick: Breathing New Life into Acadian Musicians French Acadian songs, experiencing an NFT reboot with the innovative Cajun Dead and the Talkin Stick sound and vision project on Web 3 Blockchain
French Acadian culture Featured CTV Continues Exclusion of French Acadian Culture: Acadian community facing extinction via assimilation into the dull and uninspired Halifax centric Bell media culture of phoney Jive at Five news.
CTV Atlantic Featured ATV News Atlantic Media Strange how CTV Atlantic Jive at 5 Bell Media Honky CTV Atlantic news barely wonders into realm of French Acadian culture ever...