Cajun Dead and the Talkin`Stick Featured Podcast interview with Cajun Dead et le Talkin Stick New innovative Acadian music project actually challenging long-held traditions and giving voice to marginalized experiences within the community.
Oligarques Featured Pourquoi la culture acadienne glisse-t-elle dans l'oubli malgré la Fierté et le Grou Tyme Frico Le drapeau acadien flotte fièrement le Grou Tyme y vas dans une culture fragmentée et divisée coule doucement vers l’assimilation culturelle.
Cajun Dead and the Talkin`Stick Featured Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick : Révolutionner la culture acadienne à travers l'innovation musicale Cajun Dead et le Talkin' Stick, transforme un paysage stagnant dominé depuis longtemps par le statu quo en donnant la parole aux marginalisés.
Acadian Community Featured Insular Self-Sustaining Oligarchic Circle of Acadian Heritage Patrimonial Industry Acadian patrimonial industry, deeply embedded, operates in a good celebratory way but, behind the scenes, a self-sustaining oligarchic hierarchy.
Acadian Community Featured Cajun Dead and the Talkin' Stick: A Revolutionary Voice in Acadian Song Acadian and Cajun culture, a new thread is being woven that challenges traditional narratives and pushes the boundaries of artistic expression.
She Be Running Towards a Purple Shinin' Out on the Horizon Light Featured Cajun Dead et le Talkin’ Stick call for empathy towards the Purple Ribbon Femicide Dec 6 Campaign Cajun Dead et le Talkin’ Stick song lyrics for those who have endured domestic violence and call to action for those who can help effect change.
Cajun Dead and the Talkin`Stick The Mystic Voyant Seer Vision: of Marie Stuart Queen of Scots Song Lyrics Revolutionizes Acadian Music Groundbreaking trilogy about Mary Queen of Scots emerges through the prophetic visions of a deaf-mute mystic who once walked French country side.
Cajun Dead and the Talkin`Stick Featured Cajun Dead et Le Talkin’ Stick Youtube Reels Sound Vision NFT Cajun Dead et Le Talkin' Stick song lyric project marries visual arts, music, and technology to create a powerful immersive experience UC & feel.
2024 World Acadian Congress Fall of French Acadian Heritage Patrimonial Industry Our solemn reality of Acadian cultural erosion at the hands of an ancient patrimonial industry a once vibrant tapestry, now rendered obsolete.
Claude Edwin Theriault Featured Canadian Contemporary POD Artist to watch in the shamanic shape shifting times we are in. Theriault's work is an eclectic blend of visual art, digital innovation, & song lyric storytelling. From early symbolist paintings, NFTs to song.
french acadian heritage patrimonial industry Featured Multi-disciplined Contemporary French Canadian Artist benchmark Collection Convocation CMA 2024 Theriault of MBF-Lifestyle East Coast: Redefining French Canadian Contemporary benchmark Art collection for Claregyle CMA 2024 convocation.
2024 World Acadian Congress Featured #1 Congres Mondial Acadian Arts Culture update 2024 French Canadian artists who grapple with unresolved shadows creeping out from the corners of cultural tableau of World Acadian Congress in 2024.
Quebecois Featured A Cultural Dichotomy in Quebecois Progressivism and Acadian Conservatism from New Brunswick to Toronto and back again Quebecois culture is often celebrated for its liberal, forward-thinking nature, while Acadian culture is perceived as conservative and prudish.
2024 World Acadian Congress Featured Cajun Dead and the Talkin Stick: Breathing New Life into Acadian Musicians French Acadian songs, experiencing an NFT reboot with the innovative Cajun Dead and the Talkin Stick sound and vision project on Web 3 Blockchain
Atlantic Canada Featured Discover the Atlantic Canada Arts and Culture Must-See Event of the Year for 2024 Atlantic Canada, the Gosh Darn Golly Friendly Squiggy Wiggly and of endless fun and excitement, where you experience many events and attractions.
Le Louisianais New Le Louisianais media Contemporary Nova Scotia Cajun Clans finds inspiration from. Tartan tapestry woven threads of culture, language, and music, connecting two seemingly disparate regions – Louisiana and Claregyle Nova Scotia.