Albino Skull Notre Dame de Paris Brule Masculine Magick.

With each new NFT creation, Contemporary artist Theriault encapsulates the DeFi spirit of our ever-evolving fourth turning winter season phase.

Albino Skull Notre Dame de Paris Brule Masculine Magick.
Albino Skull Notre Dame de Paris Brule Masculine Magick while the Albino wood snake sleeps

NFT Collection: Albino Skull Notre Dame de Paris Brule Masculine Magick

A  new Saeculum DeFi cycle sees tech to flesh transformation through Fire

In the realm of Horizon Worlds, where possibilities know no bounds, artist Claude Edwin Theriault has rewritten the rules of art with his groundbreaking NFT collection, "Albino Skull Notre Dame de Paris Brule Magick." This collection transcends traditional boundaries and captures the essence of a transformative journey through fire until it reduces to mere dust. With each creation, Theriault encapsulates the spirit of our ever-evolving fourth turning phase.

Fourth Turning Archetypes-in-3D Motion Graphics beyond art
Fourth Turning Archetypes-in-3D Motion Graphics beyond Contemporary Art as we have known it so far.

Art as an Eternal Force that moves in and out of our Lives.

Amidst the ebb and flow of bear and bull markets and the bursts of hyped-up bubbles, art remains an eternal force. It perseveres, reinventing itself as a true reflection of the shifting tides in our world. The crypto art of MBF-Lifestyle East Coast, as showcased in this collection, exemplifies a global movement that defies categorization by style, medium, or region. Artists united under a shared distaste for gatekeepers and traditional galleries, redefining the boundaries of what is deemed art and challenging the notions of clout, provenance, and influence.

An International Art Movement reflective of the times for a change.

3D motion graphic NFT

The Albino Skull Notre Dame de Paris Brule Magick NFT collection represents the epitome of an international art movement. It stands as a testament to the power of art to transcend cultural barriers and connect individuals worldwide. This movement, likely the largest in history, has quietly emerged, yet few have truly recognized its significance. As the tokenization market eagerly anticipates an impending wave of recognition, the Honkin' Wanged Bull wave a Comin, this collection stands at the forefront, poised to make its mark.

AI-Corporate Margins-savvy-Contemporary Artists
AI influence on Corporate Margins and tech savvy Contemporary Artists who reflect the change in social structure with the new technology.

Transformation Through Fire gets you there every time.

Theriault's collection embodies a profound transformation, symbolized by the transformative power of fire. Through the destructive force of flames, the Albino Skull Notre Dame de Paris Brule Magick collection captures the essence of rebirth and renewal. Each artwork tells a story of the eternal cycle of destruction and creation, of old structures crumbling and new ones emerging from the ashes.

NFT contemporary art

The Alchemy of NFTs

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) play a pivotal role in this transformative journey. By tokenizing these artworks, Theriault has imbued them with a sense of uniqueness and authenticity, challenging traditional notions of ownership and value. The Albino Skull Notre Dame de Paris Brule Magick NFT collection invites collectors to embrace the alchemy of the digital realm, where art takes on new dimensions and defies the limitations of the physical world.

Albino Raven Totem Monolith

Claudio Edwin Theriault's NFT collection, "Albino Skull Notre Dame de Paris Brule Magick," represents a groundbreaking artistic endeavor within the realm of Horizon Worlds. It signifies the emergence of an international art movement that transcends boundaries and challenges traditional norms. As the world awaits the Honkin'Bull market  wave of recognition for the tokenization market, this collection stands ready to inspire and ignite the imaginations of art enthusiasts and collectors alike. In its transformative power, it showcases the everlasting spirit of art and its ability to reinvent itself, even in the face of fire and destruction.